Information To Protect What You Grow

Home Inventory Calculator

Written by ecbmadmin | Jul 3, 2013 2:09:22 PM

The information you place in your home inventory file can make insurance claim settlements
faster and easier. You should have a record of your property in order to help make an accurate
insurance claim. The inventory may also help you in determining whether you may need personal
property limits higher than already specified in your policy.

In taking an inventory of your home, you should include everything except vehicles, animals and
items that are insured under other policies. This inventory should be kept in a safe location
outside of your home (e.g. at work, at a relative’s house or in a safe deposit box). It would be
helpful if you made a copy of this file and other important documents and placed the originals in
safe keeping.

Home Inventory Tips:

· List every item of value in your house.
· Include the serial numbers of all items that have them.
· Continuously update your Home Inventory as you acquire new items.
· Keep all receipts along with a description of the items.

Photo Tips:

· Use a color or video camera if possible.
· Take both wide-angle and close-up shots.
· Have a family member in all pictures to help verify ownership.
· Make sure videotapes, slides and pictures are dated.
· To demonstrate quantity of clothing, open closet doors.
· Take pictures of open drawers to show contents.
· When taking pictures of a shiny or reflective surface, hold camera at a 45 degree angle.


What is Valuable?

Determining ownership and the value of stolen property is difficult after the loss, simply because
there is nothing to view. One or more of the following may help verify the facts:
· Receipts, purchase orders or invoices
· Cancelled checks
· Charge account records
· Credit card slips
· Chattel mortgages
· Registration (i.e. guns, boats, etc.)
· Customs declarations
· Warranties and guarantees
· Instruction manuals
· Tax records
· Bills of lading and shipping receipts.

Hopefully, the need for this inventory will never arise. However, if you do experience a loss, you
should feel better knowing that you are prepared by having a Home Inventory ready and easily