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Fall Prevention Stand-Down Program Starts Today June 2, 2014

Posted by ecbmadmin on Jun 1, 2014 9:00:19 PM


OSHA has announced the National Fall Prevention Stand-Down for the first week in June to raise awareness about preventing fall hazards in the construction industry. Falls are the leading cause of death for construction workers.

The stand-down is a voluntary event for employers to talk directly to their employees about fall hazards and to reinforce the importance of fall prevention. Join in the effort by educating employees on the different types of falls using safety meetings or other interesting presentation methods.

Participants may include employer’s trade associations, federal, state and local governmental agencies, professional societies, institutes, and consumer/labor-management interest organizations, sub-and independent contractors.

Start the planning early and promote the stand-down by hanging flyers and spreading by word-of-mouth. Increase employee attendance by offering snacks.

For more information, visit www.osha.gov/StopFallsStandDown/index.html.