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Business Owners Seek Improved AI Insurance Coverage

Over the past decade, business owners have been primarily concerned with weather-related events, supply chain disruptions, personal liability, and other traditional risks. These challenges ... READ MORE

Employee Drug Price Lawsuits: A Growing Trend

The landscape of employee drug price litigation is poised for significant change following the high-profile lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson. This case has brought to light the various ... READ MORE

Ransomware Attack Impacts 15,000 Dealerships

On Wednesday, June 19th, U.S. auto dealerships were confronted with a significant challenge as a cyber attack led to a software outage. In the face of this disruption, many had to resort to ... READ MORE

How Elections Can Impact the Insurance Market

2024 is a massive election year, not just for the US presidential election but global elections as well. Some might be surprised that elections can significantly affect the economy and ... READ MORE

How Your Driving is Impacting Your Insurance

Your driving has more impact on your insurance rates than you might think, thanks to the revolutionary technology known as telematics. Telematics was initially introduced to enhance road ... READ MORE

The Importance of E&O Insurance

When putting together an insurance package for your business, there are a variety of policies to consider. While property and general liability quickly come to mind, other coverages should ... READ MORE

Personal Property Insurance: What You Need to Know

When protecting your belongings, understanding the details of personal property insurance is crucial. Many homeowners assume their standard home insurance policy has them fully covered, but ... READ MORE

2024 Driving Reports Suggest Increased Risks

Recent surveys and reports released by Nationwide and Travelers in 2024 paint a troubling picture of driving behavior across the United States. The data indicates a significant rise in ... READ MORE

Non-Renewals for Home Insurance on the Rise

In recent years, the insurance landscape has significantly shifted, particularly in high-risk areas such as California, Florida, and Louisiana. Over the past half-decade, we've witnessed a ... READ MORE

The Benefits of an Insurance Review

Whether you're a business entity, an individual, or a family, insurance can profoundly influence your life. It protects against unforeseen risks and events, ensuring that your life or ... READ MORE