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John Barrett

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Employee Drug Price Lawsuits: A Growing Trend

The landscape of employee drug price litigation is poised for significant change following the high-profile lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson. This case has brought to light the various ... READ MORE

Studies Show Employee Wellness and Benefits Satisfaction is Declining

Workers' wellness and well-being should always be a priority for organizations. During the pandemic, there was an anticipated drop in satisfaction as individuals were forced to deal with a ... READ MORE

5 Employee Benefits Trends to Look Out for in 2024

In 2023, we witnessed a big shift in how companies managed employee benefits post-Covid. Employees started expecting more from their workplaces, and organizations needed to reach these ... READ MORE

Employers Could See Health Coverage Costs Increase 5% in 2024

As we approach 2024, the nation is expected to witness a significant uptick in the costs associated with benefits programs, including health insurance. US employers can expect health ... READ MORE

Should Your Business Offer Benefits to Independent Contractors?

As the working economy continues to shift to and adapt to flexible working models, more companies are utilizing freelancers and independent contractors for ongoing projects. While ... READ MORE

Supporting Wellness Through Your Employee Benefits Plan

In today's fast-paced world, prioritizing mental well-being is essential. 83% of US workers report feeling stressed at work, with 25% reporting work as their primary stressor. Work-related ... READ MORE

Is a Four Day Workweek the Next Trend in Employee Benefits?

The idea of a four day workweek isn’t entirely new, but has been highly trending over the last year. The sudden buzz in conversation comes after the largest four day workweek trial reported ... READ MORE

Are Your Benefits Enough to Keep Your Employees?

If you run a small business, you know how important your employees' well-being is. Unlike in larger, more corporate businesses, each employee holds a higher value and role within the ... READ MORE