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Workers Compensation Insights For 2022

When looking to future insights for any market, part of the process is analyzing the wins, losses, pain points, and missed marks of the last year. A standard year may take into ... READ MORE

The Road Ahead For Teams Working Remotely

More employers are opting for a remote workforce. Whether due to the recent COVID-19 health crisis's challenges, costs associated with a more traditional workspace, keeping your talent on ... READ MORE

How Governments are Handling Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is still a controversial subject in the field of employment, even as it becomes less controversial generally. Thirty-three states now provide for legal medical marijuana. ... READ MORE

Insurance In The Face Of COVID-19

While the world steps through the global pandemic, we know our clients are facing the same questions, concerns, and decisions that we are grappling with. The collective safety of our ... READ MORE

FAQ Files: Contracts and Workers' Compensation

In most civil cases, courts are careful to ensure that plaintiffs cannot benefit from a double recovery. That is to say, plaintiffs do not get to recover for the same injury twice. The ... READ MORE

Intentional Injuries & Workers’ Comp: Keeping Employees Safe

Workers compensation is often defined as an exclusive remedy for employees injured on the job. Like with all laws however, there are exceptions. Intentional injuries have long existed as ... READ MORE

Dual Capacity Risks and Workers Compensation

Workers compensation is supposed to protect employers from lawsuits brought by their employees. In exchange for a system of a no fault liability for on the job injuries, employers secure ... READ MORE

Language In Your Policy Can Affect Workers' Comp. Coverage

Under a commercial insurance policy, there are several types of insured. Understanding the difference between these types of insureds can be crucial to understanding coverage.

Business Insurance Concerns: Action Over Cases

Action over cases have become increasingly common over the past two decades. These cases involve employees collecting worker’s compensation from their employer, and then suing a third party ... READ MORE

Read This If Your Employees Drive On The Job

Lawsuits are expensive... and they only ever get more costly as time goes on. To reduce delays, state governments have searched for ways to fairly apportion damages for certain types of ... READ MORE