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Safety Spotlight: Evacuation Tips

Posted by ecbmadmin on Nov 12, 2014 8:00:10 PM


Prepare Now!

There may come a time in your workday when you must evacuate because of an emergency. Before an emergency situation, it’s best to prepare ahead of time so you can act fast. Here’s how:

  • Read the emergency evacuation plan thoroughly and ask questions concerning protocol that you do not understand.
  • Know the pathway to at least two exits in every room or area in your workplace.
  • Recognize the sound or signal of fire and evacuation alarms.
  • Know who to contact in an emergency.
  • Familiarize yourself with the pathway between your workspace and the exit so you can escape in the dark, if necessary.
  • Report any damaged or malfunctioning safety systems to your supervisor immediately upon discovery.

In the event of an evacuation, leave as quickly as possible. Go directly to the nearest exit, if it’s not blocked by fire. Listen carefully for more instructions from your supervisor and report to the designated meeting location outlined in your emergency evacuation plan.


Compliments of ECBM LP

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