Adrianne Vigueras

Adrianne Vigueras has been in the insurance business for over 25 years. During her tenure at large brokerage houses such as, Willis Group and Marsh, she designed and implemented casualty programs for businesses from middle market to the UN.
During her career Ms. Vigueras has been involved with the development of wording on many of the current environmental insurance policies. Her strengths are, treating each company as a unique entity and having the expertise to develop programs that are germane to that company.
Recent Posts
Can Pipeline Insurance Help Convert Coal-Fired Power Plants?
There are approximately 557 coal fired power plants in the US. In Pennsylvania alone there are 40. Throughout the years, coal was the “go to” fuel source for about 44% of the electric power ... READ MORE
Posted by Adrianne Vigueras
Smoothing Pipeline Kinks
Pipelines are the arteries of the natural gas industry. The necessity to move product efficiently is paramount to a profitable industry. Having said that, pipeline debates have begun among ... READ MORE
Posted by Adrianne Vigueras
Intellectual Property Affecting the Energy Industry
The Energy Industry continuously develops new procedures and products. The upsurge in computer software technology developed specifically for energy related tasks, leaves the developers ... READ MORE
Posted by Adrianne Vigueras