Charlie E. Bernier

Charlie Bernier is an attorney and principle professional liability consultant at ECBM Insurance Brokers and Consultants in our corporate office in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
Recognizing a need for more comprehensive cyber insurance coverage than what is typically included in a General Liability policy (if included at all), Charlie worked with an A+ rated carrier to create a cyber insurance policy that doesn’t include the multitude of exclusions that are found in traditional policies. His intimate knowledge of cyber insurance has led Charlie to speak at numerous conferences and cyber security industry events.
Recent Posts
The Risks Of A Compromised IOT Device Can Affect Your Business
In November 2016, the National Institute of Standards and Technology released Special Publication 800-160. This document constitutes NIST’s approach to securing internet-enabled devices ... READ MORE
Posted by Charlie E. Bernier
Cyber Island Hopping Leaves Small Businesses Exposed To Big Risks
An emerging area of cyber liability for small businesses centers around the concept of third party risk. Third party risk means damages resulting from the security breach of a connected ... READ MORE
Posted by Charlie E. Bernier
Tips For Businesses To Improve Their Cyber Security
Cyber criminals have a large number of ways of gaining access to a company’s computer systems. What they do when they gain access to that system can also vary widely.
Posted by Charlie E. Bernier