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Charlie E. Bernier

Charlie E. Bernier
Charlie Bernier is an attorney and principle professional liability consultant at ECBM Insurance Brokers and Consultants in our corporate office in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Recognizing a need for more comprehensive cyber insurance coverage than what is typically included in a General Liability policy (if included at all), Charlie worked with an A+ rated carrier to create a cyber insurance policy that doesn’t include the multitude of exclusions that are found in traditional policies. His intimate knowledge of cyber insurance has led Charlie to speak at numerous conferences and cyber security industry events.
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Ransomware Attack Impacts 15,000 Dealerships

On Wednesday, June 19th, U.S. auto dealerships were confronted with a significant challenge as a cyber attack led to a software outage. In the face of this disruption, many had to resort to ... READ MORE

The Escalating Threat of Cyber Hacking

On March 6th, 2024, Instagram and Facebook users across the United States, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global regions found themselves locked out of their accounts for ... READ MORE

Telsa Cyber Breach Affects Thousands of Employees

Tesla employees in Nevada were notified in late August of a cyber breach within that company that released their personally identifiable information. According to the Nevada attorney ... READ MORE

What Businesses Need Cyber Liability Coverage?

As the digital age continues to expand and sophisticate, cyber risks are more prevalent than ever before. There’s a common misconception that only tech companies or businesses with a heavy ... READ MORE

ChatGPT and AI Advancements Pose New Threats to Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence poses an excellent opportunity for growth and transformation as we move through an era of never before seen technological advancements. At the same time, this ... READ MORE

How AI Has Revolutionized The Cyber Security Landscape

Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving landscape, where industry professionals face constant changes and challenges. As cyber attackers continuously develop increasingly sophisticated methods, ... READ MORE

How to Make Your Cyber Security Training More Effective

Cybersecurity breaches make up a large majority of insurance claims every year. The number of cases, and the costs associated with these cases, continue to rise. Cybersecurity is a ... READ MORE

Cyber Insurance Trends to Watch in 2023

Cyber Insurance is not a new insurance coverage, but until recent years, it was considered an additional coverage selection rather than a necessary one. In the years leading up to 2023, ... READ MORE

Cyber Criminals Target Black Friday & Cyber Monday Shoppers

This week marks an infamous time period for online shoppers and retailers in the US. Cyber Week represents a national online retail event spanning 5 critical days, including Thanksgiving ... READ MORE

Alarming Mid-Year Cyber Attack Reports Spark Concern

Towards the end of 2021, experts assumed we had hit a peak in cyber attacks with data showing numbers exponentially higher than years prior. Despite efforts to boost protection against ... READ MORE