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Tips For Keeping Employees Safe At The Office

Office work, while considered a low-activity job can still have dangers associated with it. Repeated movements, footwear with little traction, improper lifting techniques, equipment risks, ... READ MORE

Consequential Damages: A Business’s Life Support

3 Ways for Owners to Reduce Cybersecurity Insurance Costs

Cybersecurity policies are an increasingly necessary part of any business’s insurance portfolio as commerce is increasingly focused online. Businesses that seek to ensure their policies are ... READ MORE

What To Know About Defining “Independent Contractors”

Whether a business classifies someone as an independent contractor or an employee can have far-reaching effects in a large number of fields: workers’ compensation, taxation, liability ... READ MORE

Time Is Money! How Shelving That Claim Hurts Your Bottom Line

It’s easy to put issues to the side, particularly when a person is facing a large number of competing priorities. Putting a problem off to later is even easier when it’s an unpleasant task. ... READ MORE

Lost: Over a Million Years of Vacation in 2014. Reward: ???

The average American worker earned 15 paid days off in 2014. However, over 429 million days weren’t used. Employers are including vacation days in your benefits package, and they do contain ... READ MORE

Legal Marijuana Use and its Impact on Workers’ Compensation

Employers are aware that the use of marijuana is now legal in a multitude of states. 22 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical purposes and 2 states, ... READ MORE

Crisis Management: Leading Your Team Through A Crisis

Every organization is due to face a crisis. Whether it is a flooded warehouse, building fire, employee theft, losing a big client, the security of your network being compromised, or the ... READ MORE

The Buzz On Insurance Concerns & Commercial Drone Use

This holiday season, the restaurant chain TGI Friday’s launched their “Mobile Mistletoe” initiative. The initiative involved unmanned drones flying around TGI Friday’s restaurants with ... READ MORE

How Product Creators Need To Think About Protecting Themselves

You have a great idea, but not the money to get the project off the ground. Crowdfunding to the rescue! (Or is it?)