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Protect Yourself Against Copyright Infringement Lawsuits

The costs of pursuing or defending yourself in copyright, patent, or trademark infringement lawsuits can be jaw-dropping. Even in cases where the amount in controversy does not reach seven ... READ MORE

FAQs About Fidelity Insurance Coverage

What is Fidelity Insurance Coverage? Insurance companies typically require specific policies, known generally as fidelity insurance, to cover losses by a criminal act of an employee. IT can ... READ MORE

How To Speed Up The Claims Process In 6 Steps

The property claims loss process can pose complications, particularly for companies unfamiliar with it. We have put together a list of six steps that you can take to ensure they get the ... READ MORE

Supreme Court Rules On 401ks: What You Need To Do About It

For the second time in a year, the United States Supreme Court issued a 9-0 unanimous opinion regarding the duty of employer investment plans. Last year, the Court rejected the so-called ... READ MORE

How To Secure Your Network After An Employee Jumps Ship

It Happens More Often Than You Think On June 16, 2015 a different type of cyber breach story broke- an investigation that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had opened into the St. ... READ MORE

Read This Before You ( Sign Here )

A popular theme in a story- written or film- is that of a shady contract. One where the main character(s) don’t realize that they are signing their life away or entering into a lose-lose ... READ MORE

Don’t Buy That Commercial Drone Until You Read These 5 Facts!

Drones are barely (if even that) legal for use by businesses at this time, but the drone industry is already predicting massive economic impacts. Estimates have put the number of commercial ... READ MORE

Social Engineering 101, An Introduction

Defining Social Engineering Social Engineering is a type of psychological manipulation that tricks a target into sharing information or performing an action that they normally would not ... READ MORE

Damaged Structures Uncover Fractured Insurance Coverage

Building Ordinance coverage is a vital but often overlooked area for property owners. The events that trigger this type of coverage can be obscure, but its absence can be catastrophic.

May 10- 16th is Food Allergy Awareness Week

How To Address Food Allergies In The Office Food Allergies may be considered a disability under current federal laws, such as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title I of the ... READ MORE