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Risk Insights- Ebola: What Employers Need to Know

Ebola virus disease, also called Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is an extremely infectious virus if contracted and has a high mortality rate. But according to the Occupational Health and Safety ... READ MORE

Insurance Rates Expected To Increase For Secondary Homes

Effective 6/1/2014, the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012, will phase out Pre-FIRM subsidized rates for buildings constructed before their communities’ initial Flood ... READ MORE

Texas Tragedy Raises Awareness About Proper Risk Assessment

Texas Tragedy Raises Awareness About Proper Risk Assessment Preliminary investigations reveal that West Fertilizer Co. failed to disclose to the Department of Homeland Security that it was ... READ MORE

Coverage Insights: Cyber Liability for Law Firms

You’re not in the technology industry, so you don’t need cyber liability coverage, right? Consider the amount of sensitive or confidential information about your law firm and clients that ... READ MORE

Cyber Risks & Liabilities: Privacy and Cyber Security

Risk Insights: Cyber Risks and Exposures for Law Firms

Data Security Through Employee Education: What to Know

Internet Liability: How cyber liability is the new general liability in business today

E-risk. Data breach insurance and network security. Cyber liability. There are as many names for insurance that covers privacy and Internet liability, as there are insurance companies. In ... READ MORE

Young Employees and IT Security

Young Employees and IT Security

The Dangers of Radon

The Dangers of Radon Environmental changes to promote a healthier you Though you cannot see, smell or taste radon, it can still be present in your home. According to the U.S. Environmental ... READ MORE