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New Food Safety Rules For The Transportation Industry

On April 6, 2016, the Food and Drug Administration issued its new rule on food safety in

What The European Truck Platooning Challenge Means For USA

As advancements in autonomous vehicles continue, the impact on the trucking industry could be massive. Self-driving technology possesses the potential to reduce significantly the number of ... READ MORE

First Steps Of ELD Compliance For Trucking Carriers

Advances in information technology continue to seriously impact the transportation industry. While industry analysts consider the upcoming revolution caused by the development of ... READ MORE

The Effect Of Long-Haul Trucking On Workers’ Compensation

Jurisdiction for Worker’s Compensation claims can be tricky in the trucking industry. Most long-haul truckers will not spend a significant portion of their time working in any one specific ... READ MORE


The federal rules of civil procedure allow parties to request opponents undergo an Independent Medical Examination (IME) where the physical or mental health of the party-opponent is in ... READ MORE

Vehicle Collision Avoidance Systems in Trucks: What to Know

Between 2009 and 2012, truck accident fatalities increased about 5% annually. Across the board, accidents involving tractor-trailers continue to increase. This has led to increases in ... READ MORE

What Is URS? And Where Did My MC Number Go?

The Unified Registration System is a new electronic on-line registration system that will streamline and simplify the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) registration ... READ MORE

EPA’s New Rule Could Seriously Affect The Trucking Industry

In May of 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new regulation that would change the definition of the “Waters of the United States.” (H.R.1732) The EPA asserts that ... READ MORE

What To Know About Defining “Independent Contractors”

Whether a business classifies someone as an independent contractor or an employee can have far-reaching effects in a large number of fields: workers’ compensation, taxation, liability ... READ MORE

Fueling Safety Quiz- What Do You Know About Safety?

The following quiz is part of our "What Do You Know About Safety?" Series.