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Personal Devices at Work Threaten Network Security

As cyber security events make headline news, businesses have to examine their cyber practices to reduce their vulnerabilities. The damages and losses from cyber events continue to increase; ... READ MORE

How A Waiver Of Subrogation Could Impact Your Business

.Often times, companies are more focused on the more fundamental aspects of a contract, like price and timelines for completion of tasks. They may overlook some terms that seem more like ... READ MORE

Kicking The Opioid Problem In Workers' Compensation

Prescription painkillers create unique problems in the world of workers compensation. Doctors in all fields have grown more aware of the issues created by prescribing potentially addictive ... READ MORE

Navigating The Pits & Perils Of Reservation Of Rights

A lot can happen in the early part of an insurance company’s handling of a claim. The insurer must often begin its own investigation of a claim at the same time it prepares to defend itself ... READ MORE

The Risks Of A Compromised IOT Device Can Affect Your Business

In November 2016, the National Institute of Standards and Technology released Special Publication 800-160. This document constitutes NIST’s approach to securing internet-enabled devices ... READ MORE

Vitale v. Schering Plough Is Going To NJ Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of New Jersey recently accepted a case that could have far reaching implications for how employee relations and worker’s compensation are handled moving forward. The case, ... READ MORE

Wage And Hour Claims Can Stack Up Against Employers

Wage and Hour litigation continues to increase across most types of businesses in the United States. The number of cases filed in the US reached an all-time high in 2015. Unsurprisingly, ... READ MORE

Details Missing In ELD Compliance For Carriers And Drivers

While successful court challenges have managed to block a number of high profile regulatory changes in recent months, a Chicago court upheld a major new rule facing the trucking industry at ... READ MORE

Cyber Island Hopping Leaves Small Businesses Exposed To Big Risks

An emerging area of cyber liability for small businesses centers around the concept of third party risk. Third party risk means damages resulting from the security breach of a connected ... READ MORE

A NJ Workers’ Comp Case Has Business Owners Worried

As employers continue to take successful action to reduce their worker’s compensation claims, the question of how far worker’s compensation extends comes up fairly often. Many people often ... READ MORE